Saturday, November 6, 2010

Reflection. ♥

Hello. :} ♥

one thing I have learnt about myself.
I've learnt more leadership skills that I can apply here. I've learnt to be more responsibe, and to be more independent. Since we're going out of Singapore without our parents, we have to be more independent. We have to take good care of ourselves there. Every morning and every night, we drank 1 bottle of water so that we won't dehydrate ourselves. I'm grateful with what I have now. We should be thankful that at least we still have parents, and they can provide us education, food and clothes. I'm really happy with what I have now, and we should not take things for granted.

one thing that i've learnt about Cambodia.

I thought that Cambodia would be hotter than Singapore, but in the morning, it was cold there. Cambodia didn't turn out like I expected, but it turn out better than I expected. The people there are very friendly, and they do have a positive mindset. Despite their poor education and hygiene, they still have a positive mindset to work hard for a better future. It is something we should learn from them. We're here in Singapore, we have and own everything we need and sometimes wanted. We should be happy with what we really have here and stop complaning about the things we don't have.

one thing that i've learnt about my friends.
Throughout this whole trip, we learnt more about each other and gotten closer. They are alwasy there if we need them. They took turns helping out with the incinerator and mural. I think I've made new friends. They're wonderful and fun to be with. I love my friends! :D ♥

If I would be given another chance to visit Cambodia, I would want to. The trip to Cambodia was awesome! And I guess it's a trip that most of us will never forget. ♥ " The more difficulties one has to encounter, within and without, the more significant and the higher in inspiration his life will be. - Horace Bushnell"

Aishah, Group 6. :]

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