Friday, November 5, 2010

Reflections for the trip

Reflection Question:
1) What have I learnt about myself?
2) What I learnt about Cambodia?
3) What I learnt about my friends?

During this five days four nights of the cambodia trip, I have learnt quite a number of things. I realised that things don't also go smoothly but it is up to us to ensure that whether it goes on smoothly a not. For example, if most of us had listened to instruction carefully and followed it well, all of us might have more time to do shopping or sleep and such. I had also been very careless and had neglected that important point some of the time. This had caused some problems for the rest for the group causing them to lose their precious time. I think that i could have done better but nonetheless what done is done, lets not fret over it and learn from our mistakes.

Through this trip, I have learnt that i get distracted very easily. I lose focus rather easily causing me to miss instructions at times and nearly get myself into big trouble. For example, when I was given a task i took longer to accomplished it even I myself also donn't why. Preharps, it is a bad habit i had since young. However, now that i know about it, i would find ways to ensure that I stay focus in doing my task. It is a relieved that this bad habit of mine did not caused much trouble for the group during this trip and it was thanks to this trip that I have realised that, this was a very serious problem and something must be done to it.

Through this trip I have also learnt that cambodia was actually a very nice place. Although it was a very poor country, the people there were actually very friendly and kind. They were always taking care of one another. For example, there was a man named Aki Ra, who was a ex-soldier who had go around the whole of Cambodia to demine the mines deployed before the 1970s. He had even collected enough mines to open a museum. However, not only does he demine the mines, he had also provide aids to those whose lives were affected by the mines. He had did it one step at a time one by one which requires a lot of effort which is something worth to be respected and i think he really deserves to be called a hero. Moreover, i find that the Cambodian were very optimistic. No matter how worse or terrible the situations they are in they would always think of the bright sides and carry on with their lives. I think this was what most of us lack. We have always thought that it will be the end if we enocounted problems and would gave up almost instantly without even trying but not for these Cambodians. They would always remain cheerful and smiling whenever they met people whom they didn't know spreading the joy around, bringing smile on other people faces. I think that this is something we all must learn from them .

Through this trip, i have made lots of new friends. I think they were all very wonderful people. They would not complaints when they are given task to do even though they do whine a bit but its was fun working with them. They would alway offers to help and were very cooperative most of the times. I really enjoyed the times we spent together, hope that we will have the chance to work again some other times.

I would also like to thanks all the teachers who had been guiding me these pass few days. I have learnt quite a lot of things for that i am really very grateful to all of you. I would also like to thanks everyone including the tour guides, for giving me this wonderful memory and enriching experiences for the trip.

Tian Fu, Group 1

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