Sunday, November 7, 2010


 Hi :) Hafiz here. And here is my reflection...

What have I learn about myself
1 thing I learn about myself is to be more gentle with things. Before I went to this trip, I was quite violent with the things I worked with. But this trip made me a bit more gentle. For example, the painting of the wall. I help Hui Yu draw some parts of the wall. And at first I pressed the chalk so hard that it kept on breaking into half. But I soon realise that we have limited resources and we had to use what we have. With this, I tried using the chalk more gentle and it worked. It stopped breaking into half. And I used the chalk which had broken into half to save resources.

What I learn about Cambodia:
1 thing I have learn about Cambodia is that the people there are very friendly. At first, I thought the people in Cambodia, was going to be fierce or grumpy. But I was wrong. And in Singapore is it not like that. In Cambodia, as we ride through the way to the primary school, I realise that the locals living by the road were actually waving at us and saying hi. This was weird to me as in Singapore, as I walk pass anyone, no one seems to give me a smile or say hi. They are just minding their own business. But in Cambodia, it was different. They are friendly.

What I learn about my friend:
1 thing I learn about my friend is that they are not all bad. At first, some of the students looked very unfriendly and fierce. But as we get together, I soon realise that they are not bad at all. They are very friendly. Even though we just met, it is as if we met a long time ago. We joked around as if we were old friends. And I was having the time of my life in Cambodia. We all get together easily. And it made my trip more memorable and a pleasant one. Thanks everyone for making this trip possible and a memorable one :)

Well that's my reflection. Thank you for reading :) By Hafiz (2N7),Group 3 :)

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