Monday, November 8, 2010

Yo, Joshua here:)

One thing i learnt about myself
One thing i learnt about myself is that i tend to fall asleep during long bumpy bus rides. Each time we needed to head for the primary school, our bus took a bumpy route there. It was indeed a very bumpy road. The bus would be tilting to the left and then to the right and back to the left again. Everyone would go 'WOAH' whenever the bus did that. Luckily the bus driver drove slowly, ensuring we do not come flying out of our seats. Five minutes into this roller coaster ride, i would always fall asleep. Honestly, i do not really know the reason to this myself. While everyone else was excited about the bus tilting to one side, i was sleeping soundly in my seat. The bumpy road did not bother me at all.

One thing i learnt about my friends
One thing i learnt about my friends is that some of them are able to connect with the Cambodian kids well. As i was helping paint the mural, i saw some of the other groups playing with the kids. One of the games they played together was 'Husband and Wife'. Although it took a bit of time for my friends to explain the game to the students, they both enjoyed it in the end. The Cambodian kids were actively participating and seem to be having lots of fun. It was like they knew my friends for quite some time even though they only met about an hour ago.

One thing i learnt about Cambodia
One thing i learnt about Cambodia is the Cambodian people are very grateful for what they have. Even though they do not have proper clothing and housing, they are still happy with what they have. They are always smiling and waving at us. They do not give us sulky faces. They look and work towards a brighter future and not just complain about what they do not have. This is something we Singaporeans should learn from. We are always taking what we have for granted and not appreciating them. I think that we all can learn a lot from the Cambodians. Cambodians FTW:DD

Joshua, Group 5

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